Miami Posh Party

PM-PoshParty-Invite-MiamiloLooking for a way to sell the clothes and accessories you no longer wear but are still in mint condition? Well, there's an app for that - Poshmark! Poshmark is the answer to our shopaholic prayers with the ingenious idea of creating an app that allows us to sell/buy lightly worn items from equally fashionable friends. The app is very user friendly and can be downloaded here.

This Thursday, I'd love it if you joined me and my fellow, amazing co-hosts as we host a girl's night out with Poshmark. Come join us for a fun night of shopping and cocktails at the Shore Club Hotel. Make sure to RSVP by September 26th to Don't live in Miami? That's ok, you can still join us virtually by downloading the app and joining our shopping party. Use code HJQVD to join and you'll receive a $5 credit.

Here's a link to my closet so far!

Hope to see you Thursday!

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