Escape Miami Style Lounge

Escape Miamilo MGP_4301logo MGP_4279lo MGP_4373logolASOS dress, Kristina Ashley custom flower crown, Forever 21 bangles

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim is almost hereee! In just a few days, our city will come to life with fashion shows, events, and beautiful people all with a common love for fashion. This is one of my favorite weeks in Miami and I can't wait to document shows and swim trends for the blog. However, I am especially excited for this amazing event put together by my friend and fellow blogger, Annie Vazquez, in collaboration with The Sagamore Hotel and Peroni Italy. Escape Miami Swim Lounge will definitely be a treat amidst the hustle and bustle of Swim - and the event is open to all!

Escape Miami has also teamed up with 30 of Miami’s top fashion bloggers to present the first-ever Swim Week street style photo installation called "Summer Crush" which will be on display. Take a peek at some images shot by Mayleen Gonzalez for the installation, can't wait to see which image will be featured in the installation along with my fellow blogger pals.

Hope you'll join us, don't forget to RSVP: