Soho Beach House & Miami Fashion Bloggers

The same day of my solo shoot, I met with these lovely ladies - Annie Vazquez and Maria Tettamanti - to have a nifty photo taken for our upcoming event. How cute is it that we match perfectly without even planning it? (Unfortunately the other panelists couldn't make it out to our mini shoot.)

Our upcoming event will take place on March 26th at Soho Beach House and cover the in's and out's of successful fashion blogging, as told by the following internet mavens: Annie Vazquez (The Fashion Poet), Maria Tettamanti (The Wordy Girl), Ginger Harris (Electric Blogarella), Eugy & Simonett of (The Goodwill Project), Ria Michelle (RiaMichelle), Amanda De Luca (Capture Fashion), Carmen Ordonez (Viva Fashion Blog), Erika Thomas (Blah Blah Blonde) and me!

I'm very happy to be a part of this amazing panel and hope to share some insight from a photographer's point of view.

*Event exclusive to Soho House members only
*Photos by Christina Mateo

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