This week, we bring you a post shot in my neck of the woods. It was a long working weekend and we were both exhausted, so I figured it would be best to shoot something in my hood. I called Annie and told her to head on over to Miami Lakes and ended up taking her to my old high school alma mater. I'd like to tell you that shooting these posts weekly is a breeze. But in reality, sometimes it can be a real pain in the neck. Annie and I are a team at this and we bounce ideas and the god-given energy to be able to keep consistent at this. An integral part our team is dedication and sportsmanship, and boy did we have it this weekend. We initially showed up to the baseball field at 5pm, in hopes of some clouds and shady spots to shoot under. (I'm aware the shooting time would be best later, but we were trying to get our project done and manage to have some relax time.) Little did we know that the sun was going to be shining so hard that we would end up getting cranky and moody. I began shooting Annie and she wasn't feeling it, so we decided to take a break and go back to my house and then come back for round two.
We returned at 7pm and it was the perfect shooting time. It's so crazy how we've gotten so used to shooting together and directing Annie has become second nature to me. We nailed these shots, had time to do another look (stay tuned for that next week) and laughed a lot.
We couldn't think of a better title for this post. Just two girls, keeping at a dream, making it work and realizing that although there's an "i" in fashion, there is no "i" in team.
Shot in: Miami Lakes
Annie is wearing: Collins Bridge sunglasses, The Closet Boutique skull blouse, Steve Madden shoes, Forever 21 pants and Urban Outfitters headband