Urbano Blogger Brunch - Photo Diary

I came out of hiding this weekend (aka I had a weekend to myself without work) and joined my blogger gal pals for a lovely brunch hosted at Hotel Urbano in Brickell. The brunch event hosted by fellow blogger and social media gal, Jana Rose, was a nice way to rekindle with my blogger buds while enjoying a mini fashion show presentation gearing towards Summer. Thanks for having us Hotel Urbano!

Cutest straws with personalized blogger twitter handles! IMG_0440lo
Refreshing fruit and mimosas IMG_0432lo
Delicious salad and empanadas, yum. IMG_0442lo
Fashion presentation featuring Zeki swimwear and accesories by Skemo IMG_0430lo
Jana Rose and I IMG_0464lo
Blogger gal pals:
Jana Rose, Simonett, Ana, Me, Dee IMG_0492lo
My dear friend Ana whom I'll miss so much when she moves to Germany later this month. IMG_0483lo
Angeles and I IMG_0484lo
Dee, Netty, and GissiIMG_0477lo
Erika and Ria Michelle IMG_0458lo
Mayleen, always making me laugh IMG_0435lo

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