Balancing Act

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*boyfriend photography

Shoes, pants, top: Zara, Bag: Rebecca Minkoff, Sunglasses: D&G, Earrings: F21

I am so embarrassed! It's been a month since I've posted anything on my blog and while the neglect has not been intentional, it truly saddens my heart. I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds it difficult to excel in the time management department but I sure don't pride myself on it. Keeping a balance between juggling a crazy workload (I shot 5 weddings in the time frame of a month and a half between April & May), blogging & substantial posts, and making personal time to share with family and friends - is quite the tricky equation. And, in this unfortunate case my blog takes the hit.

This is a not a venting kinda post but rather one where I tell you (my readers and friends) that even though I may be M.I.A from my site at times, the comeback is always genuine and desired. I blog because I enjoy it, not because I have to. I love the connection of inspiring and being inspired and I love the opportunity to do so with this platform.

To my blogger gal pals who post consistently, you are my blogging idols. I want to share and inspire consistently, like you do so to me.

About my outfit: another head to toe Zara ensemble. Not intentional, I promise.

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