Ohh So Sartorial - Mayleen

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Occupation: Photographer
Style best described as: Feminine, Chic, Comfort, Cool
Personal style mantra: I wear what I like and feel good in. I love shoe shopping more than clothes shopping, so when I find clothes that I like I don’t hesitate to go on a spree. I mix up my wardrobe with classic pieces and some trendy ones as well. I make it a point to treat myself to a nice designer purse or pair of shoes by saving a little money here and there throughout the year. I love being a woman and getting all dolled up, but I also enjoy toning it down to a more natural, casual look. I think balance in fashion - just as in life - is important.

Introducing Mayleen aka May May! We are actually both photographers, coworkers, partners in crime who are equally obsessed with all things fashion and Miami art/music scene related. I chose Mayleen as my sartorial girl because I love that her personal style is effortless yet funky. As photographers, we don't really get to doll up to work every day, so amping up our personal style through comfortable clothes is essential. I knew playing dress up and subject would definitely be fun for Mayleen and I challenged her to whip up some looks that best described her personality. I love how she showed us her multifaceted style with every look while covering all bases - sexy, chic and laid back. I also admire her determination to save up for essential designer pieces (god knows I'm not that patient when it comes to shopping). She's taught me not to say, "I can't have those shoes" but rather, "I will have those shoes, one day."