Mara Hoffman swimsuit, Illesteva glasses, TAudrey - Lil Miss Miami necklace
Well, here you have it. My first ever swimsuit post and I'll tell you why it's my first.
Naturally, the body image vultures (as I like to call them) run rampant and are the most hurtful kind of people you'll ever encounter as a social media user/blogger/person of the internet. The beauty of it is I honestly don't give a damn what the vultures have to say because the vultures have something to say about everything - be it, too fat, too skinny, eat a hamburger, don't eat a hamburger. So I decided to step out of my comfort zone because people will always have something to say, even if you look like a supermodel.
You will never please the vultures because the vultures don't even know the definition of happiness themselves. So maybe I got a year older and I got a year tougher? But, here I am. Hate it or love it, this is me no photoshop (just a filter for visual preference but no photoshop). I'm proud of myself for putting this out there and yes, I could loose some lbs. and tone up, but that's for me to decide.
Screw you body image vultures. I love this swimsuit and I am happy with myself.