As of late, I find myself gravitating towards the same things over and over again and I can't help but to question if I'm currently in a "stage". It's necessarily not a bad one ( I don't think) but I actually feel I'm undergoing a current transition and becoming a more concrete adult. (Adult - eek, that happened already?) The last time I went through a noticeable "stage" was in 2008. I was a 23-year-old, in over her head and engaged to the wrong person (for me), yet smart enough to realize I was nowhere near ready to be committed to anyone forever and closed that chapter. The crazy part about making such a pivotal decision at 23 years of age was the resolution that manifested shortly afterwards, when I decided to pursue a long time interest: photography. Who would have thought that's how I would find my true passion?
In my current transition, I am noticing a distinct change in my decision making abilities and I am definitely becoming a creature of habit, new habits. I've always been one to have issues choosing when there are too many options at hand but now I am becoming proficient in narrowing in exactly what I want and that's so rare - yet cool. Maybe it's as simple as just shedding some insecurities and solidifying what we wants as adults, and women.